What to expect in 2012

Yadu Karu's Blog

   The year 2011 offered great memories and experiences that we would never forget. Many events such as political scandals and strong typhoons that hit in our country left marks in our collective consciousness. These events brought justice for helpless, despair to those who lost their loved ones, and hope for hopeful. Good news and inspirational stories also hit the headlines in 2011. Stories such as helping one another and winning inspired many Filipinos to work harder and try to contribute change for the country. These events help Filipinos to become tough and fighter in crisis, brave and united in hard times, and loving and supportive despite destitution. Because of these events, Yadu Karu continues to write articles that have relevance in contemporary times. The author listed key points to his readers about what to expect (in this blog) in 2012.

*Political/Social commentaries and observations

   In 2012, expect more political/social commentaries and observations in Yadu Karu's blog. In today's situation, we should be vigilant in what's happening in our society --- whether good or bad. The author will conduct research and interviews; present facts, interesting stories, awesome blogs, and inspirational quotes to the readers. But the articles that belong to this category will not delve deeper into Social, Economic and Political aspect of Philippine society. He will present issues and let the readers exercise their critical thinking skills.

*Sustainable Development

   Since the author is a sustainable development advocate, he will talk about this concept more often. He will discuss various sustainable development concerns such as environmental degradation, climate change and Indigenous People’s Rights. 

*Book reviews/criticism

   The author loves to read, that is why he wants to share his thoughts about books he have read.

*Film Criticism/Analysis 

   The author will give his own analysis of local and international films. The author will also promote the Philippine Cinema, specifically the Philippine Independent Films.

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