Visibly Female

   In contemporary time, the image of women that we see everyday has become change. They have become independent, strong, and much wiser; have decent jobs and a heroine. Women empowerment and equality are their advocacy. I am happy for this because they fight and stand up for what they believed. But if you look closer, are we living in lies? Is this a propaganda made by opportunistic few, just to make things complicated? Though I am not a woman, this crack is visible in today's fragile society. Are we ready to face this inevitable reality? Or should we stay stuck in our "wonderland" that we have created?

Visibly Female talks about current issues facing  the women today

   Visibly Female: Feminism and Art, edited & introduced by Hilary Robinson, is an anthology of essays/criticism of women's art concerning the issue of women today. Through art, women expressed their ideas, philosophies, and sentiments in today's patriarchal society. Though I bought it P5 at Booksale and was published in 1988. It was illuminating experience when you finish reading it. If you are a woman, you will proud of yourself. And if you are a man, you will respect, and appreciate more the importance of women in our society.

   When I read the book, I was surprised because I never encountered such kind of women in my life. Their ideas are radical, sensible yet complex, liberating and enigmatic. I really want to meet them (they're probably old now) and have some good conversation. Though I am not a critic of art, you will appreciate their art because their message is clear.

These some of the artworks featured in the book

God Giving Birth (oil, 1968)
Conflicts of the Psyche - The Struggle Between Ambition and Desire II

the book also discusses the issue of how advertising (media)  uses the female body for commodity 

   Why I made this article? I am not a woman. Well, obviously I am concerned of the women's image today. The influence of media and the narrow-perverted minds push this agenda to its limits. If you watch  television, surf the net, scan a magazine, walk down the street, or even observe the people. The image of women is exploited, demean, and degrade for public consumption. No wonder young girls emulate this illusion. It is very tempting and trendy. And obviously it becomes the "norms", that we do not notice the damaging effects (subconsciously) on us. We become victim of it (admit it or not) because it is ubiquitous.

It is never too late to change it, as a reader, you have the power to do so. 

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