Rotary Club Manila San Miguel gives sewing materials to Tboli women
The Rotary Club Manila San Miguel (RCMSM) had a formal turnover ceremony of sewing and embroidery materials to the Tboli women members of Lemsnolon Native Handicraft Makers Association (LNHMA), on July 16, 2021, at GunƓ Bong (Tboli tribal house), Barangay Lemsnolon, Tboli, South Cotabato.
This livelihood project is part of the organization's community development programs this year. The project aims to enable existing livelihood undertakings to grow viable and sustainable businesses through skills training and the distribution of weaving equipment, materials, tools, and other support services to the members of LNHMA. Rtn Genory Vanz Alfasain and Rtn Francisco Japhet Moralde graced the said event. Rtn Genory facilitated the project under the guidance of LCP Marcelina Supsup.
“I hope you will take care of this livelihood project. This is not for me or for Rotary Club. This is for all of you. That is why you should take care of this good blessing. If you handle this project well, I am sure that there will be more blessings or projects to come in your community. The Rotary Club Manila San Miguel will be here to help your organization or community to prosper,” said the Life Changing President (LCP) Marcelina Supsup in her sent speech read by Rtn Genory.
RCMSM provided threads, beads, and other sewing and embroidery materials that will be used for the making of malong and Tboli blouses. RCMSM and Envirogreen Village Educational Foundation, Inc. will assist in terms of marketing and promotion of their native products. The profit will go directly to NNHMA. They will use the income to make another batch of their native products.
“I am happy that in our short bonding, we have established a good relationship. I hope that it will continue and prosper our collaboration,” said LCP Marcelina.
According to the Tboli Ecotourism Code of 2016, Barangay Lemsnolon is identified as one of the tourism sites of the town. Lemsnolon is one of the cultural barangays that offers a living museum, through GunƓ Bong (big house), where one can experience the Tboli way of life in a natural setting.
LNHMA manages the GunƓ Bong that caters to tourists who want to experience the Tboli culture. They also produced various Tboli handicrafts and souvenir items such as Tboli necklaces, earrings, malong and kegal (Tboli blouse).
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